Thank you Meggie, for the "Excellence Award" It's so nice to be recognized and appreciated! You are so sweet! So I am now passing it along to 10 other bloggers, whose responsibility will be to pass it on to 10 more! So here are some pretty excellent sites to check out, of course Meggie's could be included (but her blog diservingly, already got this award!) so here goes:
Laurie, Laurie's Charming Designs
Kathy, Kathy's Cottage
Kari & Kijsa, Kari & Kijsa Designs
Adrienne, With a Grateful Heart
BJ, Sweet Nothings
Mary, Little Red House
Penny, Lavender Hills Studios
Cathy, Tadpoles and Teacups
Lisa, A Thing for Roses
Well aren't you just the sweetest person :) First I get the wonderful comment/complement from you and then you give me an award?! Thank you so much!!
I will add it tomorrow after I can think about who to give it too. That will be a tough one with all the wonderful blogs out there.
Congratulations to you too!
I'm off to read your blog now...
rue :)
Hi again Marilyn :)
Come on over to my blog honey, cuz you've been tagged!
rue :)
Oh my gosh, I just found you through Rue's blog - LOVE your lampshades! Do you have an on-line shop? Donna
Thank you soooo much for giving me an award!! Hey, my birdie look quite at home! Thanks for showing her!! Can you believe this weather?? It was sunny and snowing, hailing at the same time...weird! Sounds like you're doing well. Glad you are enjoying your web cam! Laurie
Thank you very much for the award, Marilyn. I am a bit overwhelmed that you have honored me with this. I accept it humbly and will share it soon. I'm glad I 'met' you and that we have a chance to get better acquainted through the world of blog. And maybe someday when I leave my side of the mountains and visit your side of the mountains we can meet face-to-face. Again, thank you. ~Adrienne~
Thanks for your sweet comment on my site. Your lamps are to die for. You've inspred me to get a little more creative and live up to my name!!! Do you go to craft shows to sell your lamps?
Hi, it's Renee...the new owner of the absolutely bestest doggy lamp in the WORLD! Marilyn, I LOVE IT. I can't stop saying that! IT IS AWESOME! The quality is 100%. The lampshade colors and fabric are spot on! (tee hee...no pun intended...Spot; doggy....)I am totally impressed that the entire lamp was created by you--not just the lampshade. I want more! Unless you want to teach me to do the lampshades (tee hee). Thanks!
I just noticed that you gave me this award! Sorry I haven't visited in awhile. Thanks so much, you are too, too sweet!
Love to swing by here and see what you're up to.
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